Moji-Moji Design

Original Amigurumi Crochet Patterns

Ready, Freddie, Go!


“Don’t stop me now, I’m having such a good time, I’m having a ball (of yarn, naturally)
Don’t stop me now, if you wanna have a good time, just give me a call…
…. Don’t stop me now (yes I’m having a good time)… I don’t want to stop at all… yeah!”

As well as being a famous Queen quote it also sums up how I feel about crocheting generally so you can imagine I certainly had a blast when I was making my miniature version of  Freddie Mercury. A good friend of mine made a special request some time ago and after several months of loitering on the to do list this little project was eventually finished. I loved putting on all the details that really made him special and identifiable. The moustache and hairy chest were the deal clinchers there I think, though of course the signature yellow jacket/white trouser combo helps a lot too!

Freddie - Free Pattern - Moji-Moji Design

I thought it would be nice to put this up as a free pattern with a cheeky request for a voluntary (but by no means obligatory) donation to The Mercury Phoenix Trust to show your appreciation of The Man, The Trust, The Good Cause and The Pattern!

The pattern can also be accessed from my free patterns page but I’ve made it super simple by adding the download button to this blog post too. Just scroll down to get your hands on a copy. It’s got lots of step by step photos so don’t be afraid to give it a go.

But first let me show you some more of Freddie’s classic moves!

What a legend!


You can easily make a donation to the MPT by clicking the banner below.

xxx Many thanks if you managed to spare a bit of dosh xxx


Let’s spread the Freddie love all over the planet with the power of crochet!


Download Freddie Pattern by clicking the button below.


Don’t forget to come on over to my Facebook Page and share your crocheted Freddie pictures. I would love to see how they turn out!

Here’s a super cool version by Laura Sutcliffe. Isn’t he just FAB?!!


Come on folks, let’s get a whole bunch of miniature Freddies rocking those hooks!


Author: mojimojidesign

Hello! I'm an amigurumi enthusiast, pattern writer, craft addict and cat fanatic, writing and musing about all those things and more from time to time.

76 thoughts on “Ready, Freddie, Go!

  1. I love amigurumi and I love Queen!!! Thanks for sharing this pattern <3

  2. Hi from Paris – France & many thanks for sharing this pattern.
    I am a beginner crocheter but I really need to try to crochet a Freddie, he is awesome.

    • Hi there! he’s much easier to make than he may look and I included lots of photos to help along the way. If you get stuck with anything I am always happy to help out if I can. Just give me a shout!

  3. Hilarious! I love it! Thanks!

  4. Freddie Mercury est magnifique . Félicitaions pour le blog

  5. Thank you for this! I’m not a skilled crocheter but I am a dedicated fan of Queen & Freddie Mercury. I’ve made my donation to the MPT and hope someday to do this pattern justice with my rusty hook.

    • Thank you sooo much! It’s very kind of you. I put lots of pictures in the pattern to nudge you along but if you get stuck with anything just give me a shout, I’m always happy to help.

  6. I have a family who would like some Marine dolls for the kids as their older brother just joined the marines. Do you think you can help me with a pattern?

  7. Love Freddie! Can’t wait to make myself one. Thanks for the pattern.

  8. Necesito este amigurumi!!! Por favor alguien puede hacermelo o mandarme el patron?? GRACIAS

  9. I love Queen and would love to make Freddie but the download button isn’t working. 🙁

  10. Hola!
    Buenas tardes en donde puedo comprar un amigurumi de Freddie Mercury en la ciudad de México
    Gracias por su atención

  11. Love the Freddie but would love an Elvis even more😀

  12. Hola no se como obtener los patrones 😢quisiera q alguien me ayude es para mi hija de 14 años quien me lo pidió… gracias

  13. Hola me podrian compartir el patron la e freddy no lo puedo descargar y lo quiero para un fanatico de el gracias hermosos tejidos

  14. Hi there, my friend John Blunt is the lead singer with a band called Killer Queen. John makes a great Freddie and I am planning to make your little crochet Freddie for him for Christmas. Check out John Blunt on Facebook to see how much like Freddie he is. Can’t post a photo here to show you. Lotsa love from me!

  15. Hi, i LOVE this freddie! but do you have the instruction in spanish please? i’m form argentina!

  16. Me encanta!!! pero no se puede acceder al patrón

  17. Hi, I’m trying to see if you’ve made a Tom Petty doll similar to your Freddie doll. If not would you be able to make one for me? I would purchase it or make a donation, whatever you prefer. I am a big Tom Petty fan and I am very saddened by his passing. I love Amigurumi and Tom Petty.

  18. Hola! Agradezco el patron d F. Mercury. Y te pregunto si tendras patron denlos personajes de alicia en el pais de las maravillas. Muchas gracias

  19. you are a genius. i love this freddie doll and i can’t wait to follow your amigurumi instructions to make one of my own!

  20. Hoi waar moet Ik op drukken voor de Nederlandse uitleg ? Bedankt grtjs

  21. Hi! I love your Freddie pattern and I am in the middle of making my own Freddie. Can I ask how you make him pose? Have you used wire and is he balancing on his own?

    • I pinned his limbs into position and propped him up with some little stands I made out of florists wire. All carefully hidden of course! Hope your Freddie turns out just the way you want him to 🙂

  22. Hi! Thanks for this great free pattern! Can you please tell me, which yarn do you used in special? And did you need 50g or 100g of each color?

    • 50 g balls of each colour will be plenty. I use a variety of DK (worsted weight) acrylic yarns for Freddie. My favorite brands are Patons Fab and Robin Double Knit, but any other yarn of the same weight will do just as well.

  23. I’m a big Queen fan and so is one of my favorite little boys. I’m making this for him. Thanks so much for the pattern!

  24. You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy making Freddie for your boy!

  25. Hi I have commented before. I am having fun crocheting this pattern. I think I am missing a couple of instructions, for the vest and for the nose. I have read through the pattern a couple of times and cannot find them. Thanks, I hope you can help.

    • They should be all there. The nose is made by sewing stitches (there is a photo on page 3 to help) and the vest is crocheted as part of the body then then the straps are crocheted afterwards (there are some photos of that too on page 3).

  26. Oooo what a wonderful pattern. Unfortunately I can get the download. It doesn’t work. Is there a other option. Freddie Forever

  27. There are problems with the numbering of the rows for the legs. What is the correct number of rows?

  28. I love Freddie and this pattern, but the shoes are confusing the tar out of me! I cannot understand the instructions. Do you have a tutorial for it?

    • Hi Laura,
      I dont have a tutorial, just the written pattern but if you can describe the particular problem you have encountered I could try and talk you through or offer some himts and tips.

      • I’m fairly new to crochet so maybe I’m not understanding the pattern correctly. But, when making the shoes I’m actually getting stuck on the first round. I understand 3 sc in second ch from hook. Where I get lost is the instructions that come after. How do you sc in the back loops of the next 4 chains and then 6 sc in the next ch? By my count there shouldn’t be any chains left. What am I missing?

      • So you start with the 7 ch. After making 3 ch in the second ch from hook you should have 5 chains left. Make 1 sc in each of the next 4 back loops only (uppermost loops) – you will now have 1 ch left at the end. Make 6 sc all in this same ch, then rotate the work 180 degrees and make 1 sc in each of the 4 leftover loops on the opposite side of the chain.

        Does that make it clearer? You should end up having made a kind of oval shape and be back to where you started ready to begin round 2. Let me know if you need more guidance. I can dig out a photo of working around a chain if that would help.

      • Thank you! That does make it clearer! Thanks so much!

      • Yay! Glad that has helped 😊

  29. For the legs, you start legs (row 1) with 12 sc and 3 ch which makes 15. Then you say for rows 2 – 17 sc 16. Where was the increase?

    • Hi Kelly, there are only 15 stitches per round, no increase at all. I think you are looking at the number in brackets at the end of Rnds 2-17, which actually says ’16 rounds’ not ’16 sts’. Where there is more than one round I like to state how many rounds as this saves you having to count them up yourself. I don’t usually state stitch counts if the number of stitches has not changed from the previous round. I hope that’s clearer now 🙂

  30. I want to try and make this for my daughter who is a HUGE QUEEN fan. I have never done any crocheting like this but I want to learn. But I cant even gotten it to print for me. Help please, Lorelei Holloway

  31. wish this came in English please could I get a free copy in English Thank in advance

    • HI Debbie, There is a version available in English. If you click on the banner in the middle with the union flag and the word Download on it then that should work. Let me know if you still experience problems accessing it and I can email you a copy instead.

  32. Can you use cotton yarn with this project or does it need to be the wool or acrylic yarn. It doesnt say in the pattern.. It just says dk weight yarn. Thanks

  33. Hey I’m trying to make the hair. After round 7 (36 sts) round 1 of the back and forth there are 25 sts. What am I missing because I don’t see any decrease sts other than the two skipped sts….

  34. Bonjour !
    Serait il possible d’avoir ces supers explications en français ?
    Il est trop beau 😍

  35. obrigada por compartilhar, muito lindo.

  36. Perfect! I always loved Queen and Freddie was great. You nailed him perfectly. Thank you for the pattern.

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